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EDS Pumps and Water Treatment carries one of the largest selections of pumps & accessories in the province. Our technicians are certified pump installers, and we stand behind our work with parts and labour warranties. Call our Water Specialists at 604-534-1115 to discuss your water requirements. From small pond pumps to industrial systems, we have your solution.

Jet Pumps

Jet pumps, the most sophisticated and powerful pumps, are capable of quickly delivering more water than other pump types. Like submersible pumps, jet pumps may be considered for a well of any depth. EDS Pumps & Water Treatment carries a full line of jet pumps from Pentair and Unitra.  Come to the experts at EDS Pumps.  We’ll be sure to get the right pump for the job!

Effluent Pumps

Effluent pumps, like sewage pumps, are capable of pumping waste solids; usually up to 3/4″ or less in diameter. This water is often called “greywater”. Effluent pumps are commonly used to pump grey water from laundry discharge, sink drainage or sump pits that collect dirt or debris. EDS Pumps & Water Treatment can accommodate commercial or residential applications.  We have a wide selection of Liberty pumps.  Be sure to contact one of our EDS pump experts today!

Sewage Pumps

Sewage pumps do just what you’d think. They pump sewage waste to a septic tank.  Sewage pumps typically can handle waste solids up to 2″ in diameter.  However, they are not designed to accommodate anything other than human waste and broken-down toilet paper.  We have a wide selection of Liberty pumps.  We can help you find the right sewage pump for your commercial, industrial, and residential applications.

Grinder Pumps

Liberty Grinder pumps grind up all wastes like garbage disposal and can be used in residential and commercial applications.  Certain commercial sites, like restaurants, may use a grinder pump because they produce a larger amount of wastewater with solid waste, which must be ground down before entering the septic system.  Our technicians can install, and repair, residential and commercial grinder pumps.  Leave it to the professionals at EDS Pumps.


Centrifugal Water Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are used to transport the fluid flow by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy. The rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor. EDS Pumps & Water Treatment carries a complete line of centrifugal pumps and more. Be sure to contact one of our pump experts today! We can help size and source the perfect pump for your specific needs.

Submersible pumps

EDS Pumps carries a wide variety of high-quality submersible pumps.  Call our Water Specialists at 604-534-1115 to discuss what submersible pump works for you. We have your solution.

Submersible Turbine

Eds pumps carry submersible turbine pumps that are designed to provide efficient operation over a long working life. We carried a selection of Berkley turbine pumps that will suit your application.  Our water system specialists are here to assist you.

Booster Pumps

We carry a wide array of booster pumps, ranging from vertical to horizontal, single, or multistage, CI, SS or thermoplastic construction. Synchronous and variable speed motors. One of our star performers is the new DAB Mini booster pump for domestic and light commercial pressure boosting applications and the larger DAB Ezy. box for higher volumes.

Irrigation Pumps

Irrigation Pumps are used for boosting PSI or providing adequate flow to Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation Systems.  Give us a call and we’ll find the right pump for your application.

 Don’t see what you’re looking for? Be sure to contact one of our pump experts today! We can help size and source the perfect pump for your specific needs.

Contact us  604-534-1115


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